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  • Ellie

Decreasing the Likelihood of Mould - OKE Property Services

Updated: Aug 29, 2022

How to decrease the likelihood of mould and what your responsibilities are as a tenant.

Woman with brown hair and pale skin wearing blue gloves, a yellow shirt and white apron is in a bathroom with a grey wall and a white wall. She is cleaning the white exhaust fan

Mould is usually a common occurrence in humid climates and in areas with poor ventilation but since receiving an unprecedented amount of rain here in South East Queensland we are seeing an unusual amount of mould growth, particularly in areas which mould would not usually grow.

As a tenant it can be difficult to determine what may be a serious issue or what may just need a good clean.

Below we have outlined three tips that we recommend to reduce the amount of mould growth and when you may need to alert your leasing agent.

TIP #1 Decrease the Moisture in the air

The best way to control mould in your home is by limiting overall relative humidity and excess moisture. A dehumidifiers job is to remove moisture from the air thus creating an environment which is unfavorable for mould to grow in. For most effective results most models should be placed away from anything that would block air flow, such as walls and furniture.

Disposable Dehumidifiers are a portable, cost efficient way to absorb excess moisture in the air in all areas of your home. These are especially effective in places such as your wardrobe and linen cupboard which may not receive any sunlight.

If you have access to an air conditioner another alternative is to utilise the dry mode. This simply works by sucking out the moisture of the air (humidity) so that the air becomes bearable and comfortable; i.e. the humid air is taken into the air conditioner, dried by the evaporator and then released back into the room as dry air. In this mode, the air conditioner does not blow plenty of cool air, but rather it dries the air.

TIP #2 - Clean and Monitor

If mould is caused by a leak in the roof, a faulty pipe or gutters or other structural faults, your landlord is responsible for fixing it and remediating the damage. If you notice damage to the property that may be allowing moisture to grow notify us at your earliest possible convenience with photos and details about the area. But mould is often not caused by structural issues.

  • Tenants may be contributing to or creating the problem themselves by failing to regularly air out and clean the house, allowing condensation to build up in the home, or getting the carpet wet.

  • Tenants also have an obligation to inform us if there's a problem with the property, for example a window that doesn't seal or a leaky pipe.

  • If a tenant has caused the underlying problem that led to mould developing, or hasn't informed us of an issue with the property, they could be held responsible for mould damage and may have to compensate their landlord.

If you have noticed mould growing it is critical to monitor the area and keep it clean. If the mould keeps occurring in the same spot and you suspect a leak notify us immediately.

TIP #3 - Know You Are Not the Only One!

Although here on the Sunshine Coast and throughout South East Queensland we aren't accustomed to the amount of mould build up we have been seeing, it is important to note your home is not the only one which has been experiencing this. In most cases, taking the right steps to clean, monitor, and decrease the amount of moisture in your home will ensure it stays, for the most part, mould free!

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